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#1 Cyphus07
Member since 2007 • 189 Posts

I too am a little annoyed that the games haven't been released. I stayed up late last night expecting that they would be available at midnight. Thats what I get for not knowing much about PSN update practices...

...PSN needs be a little more on the ball i think.

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#2 Cyphus07
Member since 2007 • 189 Posts

I have both - before i knew AC wasn't particularly fun after a while.

Go with NGS - the gameplay is fantastic, long and has relatively good replay value. They also have addons in the playstation store to keep things interesting and challenging. AC has yet to release any addons and continues to have you look around for vantage points and different flags... /snore - these objectives net you nothing.

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#3 Cyphus07
Member since 2007 • 189 Posts

PAIN is a pretty bad game.

I'd choose Wipeout HD - in fact i'm still waiting for the silly thing to be uploaded to PSN... /tap-foot

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#4 Cyphus07
Member since 2007 • 189 Posts

I have a ps3, the 60 gig version - purchased not but a few months after release.

For a long the ps3 has had few games i've enjoyed. As time goes by Sony's titles get better and better. For a time I wished I had bought a x360. I see a lot of biased opinions floating around, arguments without evidence to support claims, etc. I think they are both great systems. It sounds like Microsoft has worked out some of the old bugs with the system with its new Elite model and maybe even the pro (according to Gamestop employee). I like the sound of Gears of War, Mass Effect, Halo 3 even (though maybe not too much).

I've been looking at the x360 lately... I just can't justify spending $400 for the elite, $100 for the wifi adapter, then at least another $50 for one game (likely to be GoW). That comes out to be $550. I could save that money for new games releasing in the next 2 months for the ole ps3. October 21, Bioshock, Far Cry 2, Fallout 3 - wow! Those are some titles i've been wishing were on the ps3 for some time now.

Sony has not failed this generation's gaming community, they have in fact built a system with long term potential. Its short term has lacked high quality games. I did not enjoy Resistance (sorry all), I did like Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Ratchet, CoD4, MGS4, Oblivion... when Sony has a good game its really good. When the system has a bad game, its really bad. Sometimes I wonder how some games get past the "Idea" stage, a few are ... ick. That is not the ps3's fault, that blame belongs to poor developers. I prefer to think that the ps3 has had a slow start - Microsoft put a lot of money into the system's launch and was fortunate enough to have some great game developers.

I think my decision to refrain from purchasing the 360 will pay off, but the wait continues. We seem to be getting awesome games in spurts - CoD4, MGS4. I think these are a preview of things to come. "Good things come to those who wait". Don't give up ps3 owners. I think we have good things in store. I just know if I buy the 360, as much as i'd like to, i know i'll regret spending all that money.

The ps3 hasn't failed, it has just gotten a slow start to which I believe will be a marathon where the 360 will eventually fall behind. Secretly I hope it does, i'm still trying to justify the $600 I spent to purchase this system all that time ago. With the price drop ... 80 gig, blu-ray, wifi, multimedia, games ... $400 - that is a great deal. The x360 can't beat that, they just have more games... quantity over quality? Meh - i prefer quality, that to me means the ps3.

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#5 Cyphus07
Member since 2007 • 189 Posts

now, this is really serious for me. I wanna know, what are the pros and cons you all have encountered. I know the 360 has the RROD. but does the PS3 have anything like that? I haven't seen a topic about this or anything, so what's your advice for me?orb_03_2006

I purchased the ps3 60 gig not but a few months after it came out. Since i've had it there haven't been any problems with it. I was surprised to hear about the red rings and other problems the 360 has had. That wasn't the reason I decided to go with the ps3, but given those issues it is a good reason to purchase the ps3 if you must have one of the new consoles.

I've been very happy with the performance and reliability of the ps3. The game library is still not up to par in my opinion - but I understand many new games are coming out. Thank goodness things like MSG4, CoD4, Fallout 3, Bioshock, etc., have or will be coming out.

Many good things about the system and it has great potential.

Given that new blu-ray players are ~$400 and the ps3 is as well... it seems to make sense that you'd pick the ps3. It just seems to me to be a much better value than the x360.

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#7 Cyphus07
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Ninja Gaiden is a wonderful game.

I played the xbox version years ago...beat that and now have the ps3 version. Both are very similar, the ps3 version is nearly as difficult. I see that one or two of you hated the game, well if you're complaining about how many hits it takes to kill one guy or the camera angles then you haven't spent enough time playing to get through the learning curve.

After getting used to the camera angles it is a very fun and explosive title. I love the graphics, sounds, weapons, attacks, could care less about the story :) heh.

Its a great game, go buy it!

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#8 Cyphus07
Member since 2007 • 189 Posts

MSG4 (Wonderful)

COD4 (Wonderful)

Ninja Gaiden Sigma (Wonderful)

Ratchet & Clank (Great)

Assassin's Creed (Not that fun)

Rainbow Six Vegas (Fun, but bored with it now)

Resistance Fall of Man (Its ok)

Virtua Fighter 5 (Nice fighter title)

GTA4 (Haven't gotten into it much, fun overall)

Flow (odd)

Pain (lame)

Stardust HD (Awesome!!!)

Warhawk (Very hard...but cool)

Oblivion (Fun rpg, i like rpg's)

Everyday Shooter (Never play it)

Echochrome (Very nice puzzle game, me likey)

I only play COD4 (multiplayer - still haven't finished the single player 0.o) and MSG4 now. I really like military style games.

My girlfriend loves Stardust HD and she's getting quite good at it. Neither of us play that often, but we like that game...and we can play it together :)

I hate Assassin's looks nice but the gameplay is so repetitive but the gameplay is so repetitivebut the gameplay is so repetitivebut the gameplay is so repetitivebut the gameplay is so repetitivebut the gameplay is so repetitivebut the gameplay is so repetitivebut the gameplay is so repetitivebut the gameplay is so repetitivebut the gameplay is so repetitivebut the gameplay is so repetitivebut the gameplay is so repetitive.... sorry my needle got stuck in the groove.

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#9 Cyphus07
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Uncharted gameplay time is about 8 hours, DMC4 is about 10, and R&C is 12-13 or so. That being said I'd go with Uncharted or DMC4 over R&C(I have all 3). DMC4 and Uncharted are in my top 5 PS3 games(along with CoD4, GTA4, MGS4) so it's really hard for me to say one over the other.


I have to agree with this gentleman.

I have R&C, but have only played the demo for DMC4 and have no experience with Uncharted.

R&C is a fun title, it is a genuinely fun game, I beat it once and ...when you do that, get to start over with all your weapons and gear you earned the first time. DMC4 in the demo looked wonderful, reminded me of Ninja Gaiden which I loved and beat both xbox and ps3 versions. Uncharted looks like a sort of jungle msg4, i've heard great things but haven't bothered b/c i was waiting for msg4.

I don't think you can go wrong either way you slice it, those 3 games are all very good.

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#10 Cyphus07
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I began playing WoW in 2004 around the time it was released and did so up until early 2007. I know that many despite being in the top instances and being 60 (before the expansion) had plenty to do. Reputation grinds, pvp, quests, instance runs (raids as they say) and such...the expansion just made the desire for people to obtain the best equipment in the game that much worse.

I've heard the new flying mounts are 5000 gold - I can imagine that in Outlands b/c it is easy to make money many will strive to get that mount despite its high cost. I played in the Burning Crusade for a while before i left and there is enough content there to last until the next expansion.

WoW has become a worldwide phenonmenon and I doubt Blizzard would shut it down any time soon before it has exhausted every chance to keep it going. All it takes are new zones, enemies, instances, pvp, and gear - it seems their developers are already rather creative.

I'm sure that WoW is here to stay and I don't think its going anywhere for a long time.