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#1 Amnesiacx
Member since 2004 • 1329 Posts

All that work the xbros did during the first few years of the generation trying to convince everyone that the 360 wasn't just a shooterbox is down the drain. :lol:

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#2 Amnesiacx
Member since 2004 • 1329 Posts


Where am I wrong?


Well actually play it and you'll realize. :)

I did and this is what I think, so instead of insinuating things maybe post some factual information thats refutes my statement.

Destroyed! :lol:

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#3 Amnesiacx
Member since 2004 • 1329 Posts

Biggest disappointment has to be Flopza 3, thought this was going to be the best racing experience to date, unfortunately its lead developer was obsessed with drifting and decided to throw realistic physics out the window. This is a title I would have expected fromNintendo, with all its hand holding and auto steeringand that rewind feature thathad to be designed by the dev's 10 year old kid brother who can't play a lick. It isa flat out casual gamers arcade racer when it was portrayed as a simulation racer.

Stopgapza, the real car painting simulator

Guess I gotta wait for GT5. (GG TURD 10)


Nailed it. GT5 will live up to all your expectations though. The game looks like the most beastly racing game ever conceived.

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#4 Amnesiacx
Member since 2004 • 1329 Posts

It saddens my heart to say this, and as much as I am excited about these games I really doubt that they will sell well. People just dont buy PS3 games that much. I doubt if HR will sell well considering its so different than the games out there. Its not going to appeal to many because its not MW2 or Fallout.

MAG too is a new IP and its very likely that the game would launch with network problems like BF1943 or Fat Princess.

Only GT5 and GOW might sell well but even they will nowhere be near to whatever crap Nintendo puts out like Super Duper Bumper 2D scrolling Mario or New Wii Sports Resort with Vitality Sensor and the like.

Sorry for the Nintendo hate. I know a lot of people enjoy it. But where's the innovation?


BF1943 didn't launch with network're thinking of XBLive. Also, you'd have to be crazy on acid to think that GT5 won't sell well. What's the deal these days where a game selling 5-10 million isn't considered selling excellent?

I do think that MAG and Heavy Rain will be lucky to break the 1 million mark, though. I truly hope Heavy Rain turns out as good as it looks and it sells accordingly. This industry needs something this unique to be a hit.

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#6 Amnesiacx
Member since 2004 • 1329 Posts


[QUOTE="Nintendownzyou"] That's just even more sad. You're the one trying to claim ownage over a 50k 'victory' for second place in one region. You must be so proud.Nintendownzyou

If you had taken time to read the posts I have made in this thread you would know i dont care about the 50k, i was gloating about the 850k worldwide. Isn't it past your bedtime anyhow? Big math test tomorrow, dont let dreams of jigglypuff keep you awake.

Wow, and you were calling the other guy pathetic. Whats really sad is you're probably a grown adult. You can keep ignoring Nintendo all you want, but they are first by a long margin which neither Sony or Microsoft will ever catch up to this gen. But whatever helps you sleep at night right? And 50k or 850k, you're still trying to claim ownage over second place. You're sad man.

Says the guy with the username "Nintendownzyou". There is a reason you are being mostly ignored here.

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#8 Amnesiacx
Member since 2004 • 1329 Posts

Yep that blew my mind much like how Microsoft is still reporting a 6-8 million lead over Sony dispute these numbers you have from the NPDs and MC. What's even weirder is the fact that no one can explain to me how this is with the PAL regions apparently reporting PS3 is selling more. It's like the LSD of system wars. Please sir...don't "Blow my mind" again...Lack of logic hurts.Shattered007

Please show me where Microsoft is reporting this, and if it isn't another fabrication like I expect it is, explain to me how MS knows exactly how many PS3's Sony has sold right now.

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#9 Amnesiacx
Member since 2004 • 1329 Posts


[QUOTE="Nintendownzyou"] So you're basing the entire world off of Japan's sales. Nice. Shattered007

The gap is only going to increase in Japan. I'm not sure why anyone thinks differently. The rest of the world exists but Sony gets a free million + sales every year from there uncontested. His reasoning is a little flat but its not unreasonable.

So since Sony sells more in Japan we should automaticaly assume that it's killing the 360 outside the USA, dispite the fact that the PS3 has yet to brake the 5 million lead that Microsoft had before the system launched it 2006. Furthermore, we are then to believe that it's by 1 million YTD?

Why do you keep pulling this "5 million lead" out of your arse? It's simply not true. All you can seem to attempt to do is fabricate things to support your non-factual arguments. MS claimed it had shipped 10.4 million units by the end of 2006. It's impossible for the PS3 to have shipped 5 million units in it's first month and a half of being on the market. :lol: In short, MS started with at minimum a 7-8 million lead

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#10 Amnesiacx
Member since 2004 • 1329 Posts

In other video gaming news, the 360 outsold the PS3 4,770,000 to 4,334,500 YTD for 2009

Thought this was implied buy the Sony fanboys don't like it when you don't say NPDs or US because right now all the care about is Media Crates and some weird notion that Europe= 1,000,000+ a month in sales for Sony.


In other "video gaming" news, the PS3 outsold the 360 6,214,399 to 5,150,235 YTD for 2009 in the U.S. and Japan ALONE according to NPD and Media Create.

Selective numbers can be fun, but I prefer the whole truth. Sorry mang, I'll try not to own your mind so hard next time.

Edit - I mixed up the numbers a little. Fixed now.