Hugely dissapointing in almost all aspects making it more Devolution that Evolution.

User Rating: 5.5 | Pro Evolution Soccer 2010 X360
Having played all the PES games since the first release and considering it the best football series ever, I was extremely dissapointed by 2010.
There are so many problems I don't know where to start.
The controls feel unresponsive with players running several yards before making the pass you asked them to do; the goal-keepers seem to be running on a random routine saving the most impossible shots only to fumble a shot that would be out-run by an asthmatic snail; the referees are completely hopeless making it almost impossible to be awarded a penalty when playing the computer - I've played more than 300 games and gotten 2 - yes, count them 2 - penalties against the computer. This does not seem to be such a big problem when playing humans, though.
The introduction of the skill cards is ridiculous. Could you imagine Real Madrid's manager asking Ronaldo to NOT use all his skills?
Why is that even an option?
The tactics have taken a step back as well, as there now are fewer default line-ups to use.
I've got a lot more gripes about this new installment, but let's stop here.
If this series continues the way it has over the last couple of years a change of title may be in order - Pro Devolution Soccer.
Get your act together Konami!