Its a great update to the N64 classic!

User Rating: 8 | Perfect Dark X360
I remember playing the original game for the N64 back in 2000 when it was released, and those were some great times! My friends and I would always play the game on multiplayer or the co-op mode. It was kind of like a pre-Halo game, it was awesome! But then I sold all my N64 stuff including all my games back in 2002 I think. But then this past summer I picked up another N64 and got a few games that I use to have including Perfect Dark! I had recently joined Xbox Live with my new 250 GB Xbox 360. And the first game I downloaded was this version of Perfect Dark. This version is still a great game! However, this is an updated version of the original. It mostly features the remastered, 1080p HD, graphics, and an outstanding framerate! You can also play this against other people online and also do all the other same stuff from the original. Overall I think this is a great remastered version of the game! It'll cost you 800 MP, but its worth it! I recommend it!