The classic N64 first person shooter returns with better graphics.

User Rating: 8.5 | Perfect Dark X360
Perfect Dark for the XBox 360 via XBox Live Arcade is still like the classic Nintendo 64 version, but with dual joystick impenitent into the game. There are many option and new control scheme like Spartan (base on Halo series) and Duty Calls (base on Call of Duty series) and option like the ability to lock sight, so the sight will move like modern first person shooting games (doesn't work on aim/zoom in sights). This game still don't have aim asst., if you turn off the auto-aim function, in which plays very close to Perfect Dark Zero, but the sensitivity is quiet good for 50%. Overall, Perfect Dark on XBox 360 is a updated game from the original, online tends to search match longer and you can't customized weapon like Perfect Dark Zero could, also no host migration leaving the game end early, if the connection is weak.

Gameplay: 8- Still the same as the Nintendo 64 version, with some secondary mode gone and updated controller scheme, made for dual joysticks in mind for the XBox 360.

Graphics: 9- Awesome textures on characters, mission and on the weapon models.

Sound: 8- Soundtrack and awesome voice acting still the same, nothing change much.

Value: 9- Online is good if you have auto-aim on.

Total Rating: 8.5