People must not have played the game all the way, you have to unlock the 8 bots later.

User Rating: 9.5 | Perfect Dark X360
Perfect Dark is perfect, the gameplay is great, the spot on controls of the 360 enhance the PLAYABILITY of this game. As a port it improves with elite leaderboard crowns and times. So the online competition is always on. The difficulty is just right if you are playing. The hard is hard, thats what its suppose to be. Many people complain about the confusing level design, not that confusing unless you are used to the modern shooters that have you running through a level you cant fail at and you cant get lost cause its the equivalent of a tunnel pretty much, HALO/ COD/ GOW/ any other shooter people play nowadays. This is an all time classic but that doesnt deserve the right of getting a great score nowadays, the fact it does is that it still does more things right than games nowadays do. Which is very little.