A classic remake, now with multiplayer

User Rating: 10 | Perfect Dark X360
there is isn't really much to say about it, perfect dark one of best shooters in fps hitory, if you have played the game you'll know everything about it. alot of things haved changed in this version. the framerate and graphics has improved quite a bit, the fps has been raised to 60 FPS!!!!, it is still the same game, even the same clumsy a.i. and animation is still the same, characters talk with their hands lol lol.
Rare was nice enough to add a really fun multiplayer. wow thank's Rare, now where's my KI3, and JFG sequel....the multiplayer is phenominal all the maps are here, even the golden eye maps and wepons(bonus). Rare really wanted to make this game good to recover from PD0. if you played this game before over and over you'll really enjoy this, but if you are new to the series you may not. i know i will enjoy it, "it shows us how much fps's have improved over ther years". =)