Perfect Dark. Years later it's still addicting.

User Rating: 9 | Perfect Dark X360
I'll make it short and sweet. Perfect Dark is all I remember it to be and better. Mind you I love the improvements and while that statement may fly in the face of all those that wanted a simple port of the game to Xbox Live, I welcome it all.

Reviewing this game as if it were just released I believe would be a mistake. I see it as a throwback to oldschool FPS games where ammo was plentiful, cover mechanics were unheard of, and enemies were polygonal monstrosities. Perfect Dark for XBLA is a bridge between generations of gaming and that's where I think the developers hit the nail on the head. Players who are looking for a simple port with the old graphics will be disappointed as will those looking for a completely reformed game. As for those looking for the best of both worlds, you're in luck.

Yeah the controls and graphics aren't like MW2 but if you're looking for a little nostalgia, rose-colored style, you got yourself a winner here.