The rulebreaker: a beautiful sequel!

User Rating: 9.5 | Penumbra: Black Plague PC
Every real gamer loves horror-adventures, and Penumbra series is a must play.
After playing Penumbra: Overture i felt really sad. It was over, and not really. The captivating adventure ended, leaving place to a continuation, that i had no idea when was to come and how great was it going to be.
But finally Black Plague came alive and the mistery was about to be revealed.
At first i had a frustrating feeling, not being able to fight back the monsters, as in the first episode, but soon it became more interesting evading them, then trying to destroy them :)
It all started great, continued great, ended great! Actually, it's sad it ended... i could have played it on and on and on...
I just hope that there will be other games as captivating as this one, coming from the same producer, and that they won't just vanish without bringing us some more hours of thrilling adventure.