The most of 5$ your can spend on LIVE is on Paperboy. With some of the best game play elements ever!

User Rating: 8 | Paperboy X360
Ah yes. The good old paperboy. Who can't resist just messing around hitting the stupid emo kid with the remote control car and hitting the guy in a white tuxedo who looks like Michal Jackson!

Plot: You are a paperboy (obliviously) on a mission to get to the peoples home who need the paper and to get to the end without wrecking or getting injured by the many and sometimes completely stupid obstacles. Not to interesting but fun!

Game play: You need to get this straight. I pity you if you have never known how to play this game. It's so easy I can play it! You need to move the bike with the joystick and use the green A button to shoot papers. You need to get the papers to home that look happy and lovely with nice trimmed yards and frolicking (yet stupid) kids and animals. But then comes the real fun! You throw the paper by force! You can literally destroy the windows, door, shrubs, art, and even the neighbors and random stuff for bonus points! Thats right! The homes that look like a goth house. Well. You can decide whether or not to destroy that house. But if your do that to the ones that need to get the paper they may cancel their subscription and you wont get points for that home at the end of the day. Then you can destroy it! woooo! besides homes, there are dozens of other things that get in your way like the stupid kid and his RC car that get in your way, random people in the neighborhood, cars, and even the most strange things you want to break. But these things will make you hurt yourself and lose a life if you come into contact with them. Crazy people. You can't drive like that in the US! lol. Plus you gotta find bundles of papers to refuel your stock.

Sound: The sound in the game are just absolutely awesome! I love this game and just the way it looks and sounds. Oh man it's funny and cool.

Audio: Paperboy has some of the most catchy and sweet music for any game I have ever played. I love the little tune it plays when you get a bundle of papers.

Graphics: For a n old game Paperboy does delight your with some colorful and cartoon good graphics that will make your instantly reminded of the good old days of arcade gaming.

Conclusion: I think that Paperboy is one the best games that you can get for a low and cheap price of 400mps(5$) and a good thing to challenge your friends with to your 360's arcade bit.