Best game of all Time Or for the Saturn at least

User Rating: 9.8 | Azel: Panzer Dragoon RPG SAT
This as a fact is the best game for sega Saturn and anyone who thinks different is a fool.

I'll start with the combat system which is like the Final Fantasy series with battles mostly happening at random with enemies being able to appear on four sides this I know is like the Xbox version but the differences are it's turn based so every shot has to count at some points in the game such as against other dragon riders.

Another difference is it's easy to fight off any enemy on the xbox version e.g. on the Xbox version you can take a flying ship (Massive) down in about a minute, on this one it takes more strategy with you having to plan every shot carefully taking into account that a cannon on the other side of the ship might be about to kill you so you have to watch enemies preparing to attack very carefully to avoid as much damage as possible.

Another difference between the old and the modern Panzer Dragoons is the fact that the main character comes into play a lot more being able to upgrade and buy new weapons which can be essential at the right time and oh yeah actually be able to get off the dragon, this improves the game because you can explore cities and do quests for the people living there earning money to buy a flashy new machine pistol (believe me it's better than it sounds) which is especially useful in the final place in the game.

Speaking of upgrading on Panzer dragoon zwei (this games sequel) your dragon can evolve twice after one battle on this game however it takes many fights mostly with bosses to make your dragon evolve and improve it's stats and powers.

Look overall this is not a Final Fantasy copy but one of the best RPGs of all time now I can't say all the good things about it or I'd be here for a week (and I'm not really joking either) just trust me if you see this game buy it or miss out.