maybe I'm bias but...

User Rating: 5 | Outlaw Golf 2 PS2
this game just doesnt do it for me, sure Tiger Woods is WAY too easy, but this game just feels WAY too hard and sucks the fun out of it. The fun atmopshere combined with the challenging game makes for an odd pair. It is a very unique game in that the putting and swing methods are completely different than you will find anywhere else, but that's not necisarily a good thing.

Many times I often found myself swinging perfectly on the stick but havig the ball fly WAY to the side. I get it my character isnt that good yet, but come on, a perfect swing shouldnt be quite THAT bad.

So with that said, the gameplay is questionable. It has both positives and negatives to it, but I would say more negatives. Bad load times, slow play, and by the end of a round you find yourself exaughsted from playing and wish you popped in something off the NES days instead so the card could lock up and you could do something else. Anyways, gameplay is strictly average, and the fight bonuses are the same animations over and over and get amazingly old FAST.

The graphics are okay, but often times you will get lost as to where you are trying to look, or where the ball went. Granted in some cases this is good and realistic cuz you cant always see where you want to hit in golf, but other times its just another annoying factor. Other than that graphics are pretty solid and a decent effort.

The soundtrack works, although its nothing spectacular. The commentary is quite amusing, but also runs old after a while. So that leaves us with SFX which are OKAY. Again, nothing here that will turn heads. If it wasn't for the Insomniac doing his best humor it would suck in the audio department.

If you want a quick play game to pick up and chill with your friends, this MAY seem like the game to get, but its not. Its hard, lengthy and you really have to think although its disguised as a quick play. If you want an alternative to Tiger Woods games pick it up, but definatley try renting it first, since you will probably become frustrated with this one.