After seeing the not so bad reviews I decided to try it.

User Rating: 3.5 | Operation Flashpoint: Elite XBOX
First off let me get this off my chest from the start. I never played the PC version but to be honest this game basically sucks! The realism it trys to portray is cool at first but the slooooooooow pacing, horrible graphics, bad bad bad animations, crappy sound, unsatisfying gunshots( M16 sounds like a BB gun literally),unsatisfying kills, along with horrible enemy AI and squad AI, makes this game a wonder to why the heck they even tried to half a** port this game from the PC.

This looks and feels like a game from the PS2 early years( I know its xbox ). You can play this game and the Computer controlled AI will literally run through the level and complete it for you with or with out you. Lookin for a new wargame online? Well if you are you will be hard pressed to find any servers or players for that matter so I can honestly say I never got a chance to play online.

Overall I dont really recommend this game at all. If you need a wargame fix I think just about any wargame besides this one is more satisfying. Ive been tryin to find a new battlefield 2 replacement but I ended up just liking it even more after this experience. Please dont waste your hard earned bucks even renting this crap!