Kids that get this game that say OMG WTF I CANT SHOT WHEN IM RUNNING!!!!1!!!!1? Stick it.

User Rating: 9.3 | Operation Flashpoint: Elite XBOX
The first thing you will probably notice is that Operation Flashpoint: Elite does NOT have the best graphics in the world. Sure the terrain is kind of bland and crappy looking, but character models and vehicle models can be quite stunning. As soon as you get used to everything, you actually start to like the graphics as a whole.

My only real complaint graphically is the draw distance while being on the ground. This can be quite poor at times, while the draw distance while in an aircraft is quite good.

Gameplay? It's like crack. The campaign is extremely lenghtly and can consume you for up to 20 hours with The Resistance add-on pack. Throw in about 15 good Single Missions, and AWESOME XBox live play. This game is an absolutely STEAL for $40 bucks.

In the campaign you feel a rush the first time you travel to the battlefield in a blackhawk, or when a retreat order has been given due to an incoming tank squadron. You also feel a sense of desperation when you are deserted from your squad in the woods, and need to locate the emergency extraction point. I'm telling you, this game is higly immersive in the campaign. Depth is added with the offline scoreboard in which your mission score is sent to the Xbox live server and added into a total leaderboard, awesome. Just why does the main character David Armstrong have to sound like a 14 year old boy still waiting to hit puberty?

Xbox live is where you will find your free time burning away. The servers are loaded with guys that have been waiting for this game to come out for forever and want to play the game right. Co-op missions are the way to go, especially if you have 8+ guys and good communication skills. Replayability is added with the scoreboard system. If you aren't playing on live, you are seriously missing out on PERHAPS the best game on live since Halo 2.

If you have an extra $40 dollars laying around and don't know what to do with it, go pick up Operation Flashpoint. If you don't have $40 bucks laying around, go find a way to pick up Operation Flashpoint. It's just a shame that it took so long, and so late into the Xbox's lifespan to finally find our way into our system.