Oddworld's Stranger Wrath gets stranger in the Oddworld.

User Rating: 9.7 | Oddworld Stranger's Wrath XBOX
Oddworld Inhabitants had come up with some amazing games in the past, but Oddworld Stranger's Wrath had come up pretty strong with amazing graphics, 1st person and 3rd person view, new characters, and a neat story plot to go with it. You first start out in the west with the Clakkerz ( old chicken folk ) but you start to progress into the Mongo River where the amphibian folk live. First your just a strange bounty hunter, bagging up some outlaws, and trying to pay for a surgery, that costs $20 grand. This operation (according to Stranger) will help you survive.

After you complete all the missions for the bagging-up-of-outlaws, you get caught and find out that you're a steef and the operation was to stitch together your four limbs.

After you escape you no longer have outlaws to bag but instead have one objective...defeat Sekto. You travel through Mongo River, Sekto Springs,and finally Two Legs to defeat this Sekto.

This game offers a lot of action (not to mention if you are a Halo fan, you will enjoy the 1st person view) and adventure. Stranger's Wrath is worth buying and is one of the games,after you beat it. you'll want to play it over and over again.This is a 10 out of 10 game for the Xbox.