compared to munch's oddysee this game is diapointing

User Rating: 7.5 | Oddworld Stranger's Wrath XBOX
I am a big fan of munch's oddysee and when i heard oddworld was making another game i got really excited and couldn't wait for it to come out when i got itafter month's of waiting i tried it and it was just an average shooter with oddworld style gameplaynothing much interesting
This game is like a sci-fi western that really disapointed me if this was what i was thinking i would have gave it a 10 oddworld you let me down

Gameplay oddworld gameplay just is plain good no matter what

Graphics nothing special

Sound once again nothing special

Value it can last for a while but be warned you will get bored

Tilt this is a very disapointing game thaat is still some fun you can try it and should if you are a big fan of munch's oddysee