Not only does it depart from Oddworld games in a very unorthodox way, but the new change makes it the best of the lot.

User Rating: 8.3 | Oddworld Stranger's Wrath XBOX
The Good: A cool mish-mash of inventive live ammo first person, and platforming in 3rd person; The visual's are excellent in a very dark, yet realistic world; The western theme music is neat; Really funny characters; the Stranger's got a bizarre secret...

The Bad: It's a little too short, and intense difficulty will make a casual gamer quit before the short game ends; The voices are REALLY shallow, and repetitive; Why did Stranger get a Clint Eastwood rasp?

Story: Not much, really. The Stranger needs to get an operation from a local doctor to survive, but lacks the moolah. (Money) Thus, he goes bounty hunting to rake in the dough required. Some twists happen later, and Oddworld's main villain returns, but it's really all about gameplay.

Gameplay: Deep and intuitive, but sometimes really difficult. The difficulty can also get really uneven. The game mixes first person shooting, and third person platforming, and it works like a dream. The Stranger can shoot live ammo- I.E. Insects, and forest animals, squirrels, skunks, flies, ect, and you can, and will click him into 3rd person for long range distances. He may walk normal, but you can make him dash on all fours too, like a cheetah; and as fast, too. He controls like a motorcycle while he runs, and he's surprisingly easy to control. The game is based on bringing in the bounty to a local sheriff. You'll be given an assignment, fight a goofy ass boss, and bring him in either dead, or alive. You need to bring him alive for more money. It works REALLY well, I was impressed and I hate FPS games.

Graphics: Stunning. Realistic, and very well constucted world. The character models are cool, but the damn hillbillie chickens are as badly constructed as they are annoying.

Sound: Cool, western music, but you can tell that only a few voice actors were used, and the Stranger talks like a pitiful Clint Eastwood clone. The Clackers (Chickens) are funny, but every one of them sounds the same, and they're wicked annoying.

Value: It's nice, and replay is good for someone who can stand the difficulty. There's cheats out too. Invincibility is a great help, but it's too easy like that!

Tilt: I loathe FPS's, but this game is an exception, it's finely crafted, and doesn't feel like a World War II at all. It's a winner, folks.