I was really suprised!!...IN A GOOD WAY!!

User Rating: 8.7 | Oddworld Stranger's Wrath XBOX
I remember the first oddworld game back on the playstation. 2d side-scrolling good times!! I did however get over the solid enjoyment of 2d gaming long ago (even though I still like to break out the SNES from time to time). I actually didn't even really hear about this game until a recent issue of OXM where they sited this game as "one of the 20 best games you never bought." It's true, it really is one of my top 10 favorites right now. It's goofy, quirky, absurd and just downright FUN! The gameplay is what is most fun about this game. You can switch from 3rd person to 1st person view at anytime which is an awesome feature (go UT2) in this game. How about collecting ammo? Bugs, skunks, unidentified creatures that do some crazy things, who has an imagination like this?!?!?!?! Some of the characters are a bit too corny, but boy are the ideas great and well played out.

The graphics are what you would expect from a decent xbox game. I do think that the browns and tans get worn out alot which makes the environment kind of dull, but tehn again you are in the "old west" of oddworld. The animations on the main bad guys and the "ammo" that you use are pretty funny and very enteratining.

The sound is the biggest downfall of the game. The voices get repetative VERY fast. It sounds like 3 people did all the voices in the game and you'll get so sick of hearing "Well howdy Stranger." It's not the worst sound ever, but it could have been much better with not too much effort.

The value of this game and the tilt are what make it great. As said before all of the imagination that went into this game is fantastic!! When I describe it to people they think "that sounds retarded or like it's for kids," but when I show them or let them play it, they're hooked. Buy this game if you have an xbox. I recommend it.