What A strangely compelling game, i was never a fan of the oddworld series but this convinced me. Bring on fangus!!!

User Rating: 8.5 | Oddworld Stranger's Wrath XBOX
Wow, i got this game for £30 right after it came out, its an extremly good game. Its well worth buying though for abit less than the asking price. Really you should be able to get it brand spanking new for about £20, if that.But be that as it may, this game is very, very fun. You play as the stranger, a mysterious bounty hunter, who has to go after the ultimate bounty to get 20, 000 moolas for his mysterious surgery. Its a very mysterious game. It plays very well as you swap between a first person shooter mode and a third person platfomer, it actually does this very well, and the concept of catching your own amunitioun is great. You use all types of animals that vary from little spiders that tie up enemies to some you can use as mines, either way their all effective in their own cool ways. All in all this game though not overly long is a really fun gnarly experience. So get going and buy this whilst your buying oliver stones great vietnam film, Platoon.