What a crazy but really fun and even addicting game.

User Rating: 9 | NiGHTS into Dreams... (w/Multi-Con) SAT
When you start this game you'll be like oh ya...real fun.The longer you play it and the more you figure out...you realize that this game is like a highly addictive drug.At first you don't see what the big deal is and then before you know it you can't put it down.Nights is that good.

You fly through 3-d levels but its more like a 2-d game.Still you fly around collecting these blue crystals and need to collect enough to bust this machine thats holding a dream orb or something and take it back to the hut thing.Its simple but takes real skill to get a high score.Whats even more is you realize that getting the high score is super fun.It just doesn't seem to get old.Finding the right and most fast path in the levels is a real challenge and as I said its really fun.

THe graphics are great for a game of its time and the music keeps you soaring along at high speeds.The controls work well and even better if you got the big fat 3-d controller.It all comes together in a fantastic package.

Nights is a dream come true and thats really all that can be said about this masterpiece.