A gret game for any Naruto Fans,bt it gets so repetive,and it might bore you out fast,and theres not all Characters

User Rating: 6.5 | Naruto: Narutimate Hero PS2
So since the uzumaki chronicals hadnt work out very well,Bandai strikes backi with a game called Naruto :Ultra nin.And gets pretty nice job.

So might be a solid voice acting ot needed there,but still Kakashi makes the voice acting worse.So the game is all about fighjting ,it aint bad,but once its done ,the game might bore you pretty fast.You complete saga`s with each character.The story is probbobley not great .

There also some things called "Shop" wich is very lame to purchase something stupid(like voice record)

The game of ultra nin is fun ,bt also dissapointing.Not much of characers too,so makes the game even more worser

Fighting ia the main plot of the game,And it is so fun,it is to pick upp and the ultimate attck style is just great.Each characters have there each own character skills.Its pretty bad but the game ends quickly and not much of characters.Theres also mission,bt i`ve got stuck on a D-rank mission to give 6-additonnal blows to zabuza and it frustrated me alot

Might be not the best game,but if you want some flashy Battle game,this game suits you fine.