Not the best game. If you rent you can beat it.

User Rating: 6.5 | Naruto: Narutimate Hero PS2
This naruto game has good graphics. But does not have multiple characters. The game has 14 characters to be exact. The game play is good. The storyline for most characters is somewhat real, but for people who don't show up often on the show their storyline is a bit distorted. This naruto game also has a mode in which you do missions. In these missions you face other characters with any character you chose, but with special stipulations. In the game when complete match in any mode you get coins that you use to purchase things from capsule machines. These capsule machines give 1 of 6 types of things you either get a secret technique video, which is a movie of one of the naruto characters doing one their specials to another naruto character, you can also get a figure of a naruto character, you can also get a ninja info card, you can also get music and voice data, and scrolls. Overall I would say this game is just good.