Two steps back

User Rating: 7 | Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword PC
After playing mount and blade warband, I couldn't find any reason to want to dive into this game. It seems the devs took out MANY of the RPG like aspects of the game from warband. In my opinion, warband barely had enough RPG like variables to it. Now for them to take out the few they did have?

Overall the graphics are mediocre. It's nothing we haven't seen before. The skies look pretty crappy and the campaign map can be ran from 90's cell phone. On the contrary, the sandbox like free to roam and kill type game is pretty fun.... for a while. Before long it becomes really redundant and (believe it or not) shooting dudes and charging at them (which is the BEST part of the game) gets quite repetitively boring along with the rest of the game. It's nice to finally have an RPG game that's not driven 100% by story and you get to make up your story as you go, but the story becomes quite boring, quite fast.

The high medieval-era is quite cool with the addition of gunpowder. Unfortunately, the grenades cost 2 lifetime savings and I doubt many of us will be interested long enough to ever see one go off.

OVERALL there's a lot of breadth to the game, just not a whole lot of depth to keep us hooked for more than 10 hours. The idea of the game is new, and I like it; it's just not developed enough yet.

1 final note: I noticed that there were very few changes from warband to this game. Meaning, if you've played warband, you've played this game. The only difference is more trade, firearms, and a new map. The dialogue choices you make in the game become quite familiar from the last game. If you're considering buying this game and have warband, save the money. If you're looking for a new style RPG sandbox like game, buy warband.