The Title Says It All … Its Good Real Good

User Rating: 8.5 | MotorStorm: Apocalypse PS3
There is something remarkable about a franchise that keeps on delivering. To be honest when I first saw trailers for this game I figured they were getting desperate to try new things and this would be a complete disaster… This is far from the case (except for disasters actually happening in the game). The sport is insane in the best ways possible.

They tweaked the game play to be a little faster paced. Kind of feels like what Burnout would be if EA decided to take it OFF ROAD. The heavy feel of the vehicles have declined from the previous ones but it makes up for it given the situation you are put in. That situation is a movable environment that you have to maneuver around. I won't say what breaks, moves or blows up but picture a fat person in a McDonald's that is giving away a free Big Mac with every purchase of a Big Mac. It's a desolation but yet you can't keep your eyes off it.

One of the best features of the game in my experience is they tend to give you the benefit of the doubt. So if you clip the side of a building your car will not fly all over the place leaving you uncontrollably behind …. You will be able to recover from it with no problems. Also the crashes aren't dramatic enough to set you back either. Sometimes I find the car ahead of where the smash up happened and with a rolling start. Some might not like that but to me it is less frustrating.

The festival mode has a look to it that reminds me of Jet Moto. MotorStorm now comes with a story line. Is it good … Meh . Is it fun to watch… Yeah It's nice to try and create a feeling to all this, instead of race after race with nothing to look at.

This is probably one of the smoothest online racing or non racing games I have ever played. It is very consistent even at the maximum number of drivers in one race. You can make bets with the other racers which creates a rivalry resulting in you trying to beat who you bet against. Still I wish there were a few more features but I won't complain seeing that the game play runs sweet.

It's Fun, Simple for the most part, and Visually Incredible (The tracks can look noisy and yet it's very straightforward to find your way around)

Check it out… badaaabababa Luvn it