Of the trillions of handheld games about battling monsters this is by far the most boring and lame.

User Rating: 2.5 | Monster Rancher Battle Card GB GBC
This game was released just in time to compete with a bunch of other monster breeding turn based, battle style games trying to compete with Pokemon. Therefore this game is already dull and derivative. However this game goes the extra mile in being one of the worst handheld experiences on the Gameboy Color. So, how exactly is this game so much worse than all the others? Let's start with the concept: Adults can breed monsters and battle them for money and fame unfortunately for you, the player you are only a little kid so you have to play with cards. That's right it's a game about playing card games. Was the target audience kids who had no friends and/or couldn't afford to buy game cards? I really don't understand who would think that was a cool enough concept to make a game out of but whatever. At least the monsters had animations during battle however lame they are. The second thing that makes this game a horrible one is the fact that you only get a half-ass tutorial and then they plop you into the world with no sense of where things are or what you have to do aside from the fact that you, the player, are a monster breeder and you must go into caves to get cards and then battle in tournaments. After exploring a bit in town you'll discover that the people offer no useful information and are essentially there for decoration. You go into the caves and there are a bunch of kids inside looking to play cards with you. The battles are horribly confusing and if you manage to learn how to play the thing it isn't even fun. I hate this game.