Another weak review from Gamespot ! This game rulez!

User Rating: 9.5 | Mirror's Edge PC
Congratulations GameSpot.You did it again! Another bad review that adds to an endless list.Good luck in the future tough.

Mirror's Edge is a revolutionary product that has the courage to step into unknown territory knowing that some people are not smart enough to understand what this game is about...

As a Parkour-Freerunning performer I can tell you this game offers you a huge amount of possibilities in the way you interact with the surroundings,just like Portal did in other ways a year before.Just turn off the red hints and you will see what I mean.

Graphics 10
Sound 10
Gameplay 9
(the A.I. is sometimes weak,but this game is not about A.I.)
Storyline 8
Feeling 10

By the way Gamespot,trial and error is for beginners that are too lazy to use their brains and to dependent on experience. This game is not for you,go back to reviewing Crysys,Gears of War2 or Far Cry2.Enough said.