Amazing! The graphics are far beyond what I expected, and far beyond any other game in the series! Go Capcom!

User Rating: 9.5 | Mega Man X8 PS2
For starters, I might be a little bias when it comes to any game in the Megaman series. After all, I've been playing since around MM 5. That's a lot of games and a lot of hours [probably days in total] spent shooting enemies with the famed X-Buster! Now, down to business; X8 should probably be regarded by hardcore Megaman fans as the best in series. It totally surpasses X7, which was way too hard to figure out what was going on. I can honestly say I have no complaints with this game. Capcom let everybody know that Megaman was not dead! Now I'm just waiting for X9, if it ever happens, and the only advice I could give Capcom on X9 is: MAKE A TWO PLAYER MEGAMAN GAME! PLEASE!!!!