Mega Man Maverick Hunter X is the remake of the NES years ago with loads of new upgrades for the PSP.

User Rating: 8.5 | Irregular Hunter X PSP
First off Mega Man Maverick Hunter X is the remake of the NES years ago with loads of new upgrades for the PSP. If you remeber playing it you'll know the story if you don't you'll know once you plaed it. When Sigma leads a group of Reploids in a revolt against mankind, it's up to X and Zero to protect the world from ruin.

Gameplay= Is a side-scrolling recreated with 3D graphics with tons of enemies and boss fights will make it a challenge for you during 13 levels and a tough boss at the end of the level. There are also upgrades to pick up and earning new weapons which can help you beat other bosses quick and easy such as Shotgun Ice to beat Flame Mammoth which is a fire boss and it's level will freeze where the lava is all covered in ice which can be easy to get through a level quick.

Graphics and Sounding= Look great for a side-scrolling PSP game from a NES game from now its still a good looking game with cutscenes in Anime and voicing to the story. Sounding and Music you'll reconise alot of sounds from the Mega Man series if your a fan and loads of music to listen to at each level.

There are many other features and once you beaten the game once on X you can play as Vile, X's arch rival, for an entirely different gameplay experience. Also a demo of Mega Man Powered Up which is a cuter version a Mega Man from anothor NES game being remade. Should take you more then 20 hours if I'm guessing will keep you busy for weeks I kept playing it when ever I had the chance becuase I was busy doing college work, I was stuck on 1 or 2 bosses but luckly my friend at college helped me out with a few hints and tips on how to take out bosses and there weaknesses. If its your a first time playing Mega Man you'll probably go mad if you die alot at random places.