Final blast hot but not too hard nor the best.

User Rating: 8.5 | Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Falzar GBA
Megaman battle network six is the last of the mmbn series....
It comes with the bad guy once again being dr.wily ( why-el-ee) Controlling another WWW group of baddies. The game starts out where lan moves suprisingly to central town and he goes to school every day!
Now there's a lev bus too take you diffrent places and the bosses may be easy at first later they are not too much of a challenge but S ranking tomahawk man is allways a pain.. It's not the best but it's a very great game and with multi-player battles comm it now has where you can have a random battle choosing diffrent "ranks" with diffrent chips and navi cust boosts. Double soul is still here and this time no tributes to make the soul such as mmbn 5 to turn into tomahawk soul you need to tribute a wood chip and you can only use his skills for one turn, Now no tribute turn into diffrent ones as much as you like for how long you like! You now must beat a "class" in order to fight your friend then gain his soul, in the lesson you must be the navi on the net and do the task that is needing to be completed.
Beast out Falzar or gregar depends on which version of the game you bought. Beast out you can be in beast mode for 3 turns in one battle after the battle you need to fight 3 times in order too use beast out again so you need to time it right! If your beast counter finishes in a battle you could beast out again this time you have no controll at all over megabeast and after that your hp rapidly drops from like 700 hp too 400 in a few seconds!You can easily complain about the graphics but it's not bad nor good.
The storyline is enjoyable but not allways does the music fit with it.
6 souls you can turn into in this game. 8 elements this time for even more strategy!!! I Highly reccomend this game to those whom have had atleast a mmbn game in the past. i would not start here though.