The prime example of a real generic shoter.

User Rating: 4.5 | Medal of Honor PC
MoH is a well known war game that's trying to improve its formula of a classic war shooter, as do many other games, but MoH sticks with its simplicity and if you like that your wallet is currently empty.

The Story of the game takes place in Afghanistan and pulls you trough many characters, as always in nowaday shooters. The scenery of Afghanistan is already known to every FPS gamer cause there are a million FPS games that take place there. The Characters are blank soldiers, just like I like them, they may have some characterization but I didn't follow or care for the dialog. The story is said to be good but I didn't find any, your actions don't seem useful for the story since it only follows your character instead of the war that is going on, it all ends without conclusion of the war, it's obvious since it's about a real war, but I don't care about one character in a war game, I would if he has at least done something useful and memorable, maybe I just don't feel it for the American wars. Though the story maybe bad, its good atmosphere, graphics
and sounds will make you at least feel like you're in a war FPS.

The gameplay of Moh is rather simple, you shoot people that are your enemies, and eventually call air support. This truly is a core generic FPS shooter, there is really nothing special about it. To further improve its classic FPS style the guns of the enemies are mostly Ak-47's and Dragunov's while you have the almighty M4's and Barrett Snipers. Like I mentioned eventually you will be able to call an airstrike to take out enemy encampments and tanks, or will be handed a Barrett sniper, or control a Helicopter which, of course, is a rail gun mission, cause it took Call of Duty 7 sequels to give you a control over a Chopper, you will not get a chopper in MoH that easy.

The MoH, that is the new one, is pretty much like any other FPS game on the market without the many features that others offer, those who are MoH fans will like the game, but probably just because the name, because this one doesn't take place in time of WW 2 so I don't really see a reason why would a fan of MoH like this one.

Pros: Graphics, sound, Linkin Park's song in the credits

Cons: Bad ending, generic gameplay, short, small amount of avalible weapons