MOH is just bad.

User Rating: 5 | Medal of Honor PC
MOH is one of those games you come across in a shop and it has a price tag (10 dollars) that you can't pass up on. After installing the game and playing through the SP and MP portion of the game I can with 1000 % certainty say that this one of the most boring and unsatisfying FPS that I have ever played.

The SP story is predictable and lacks any real action. The devs must have just checked off some things while making it, explosion (check), overrated plot (check), car chase while being a gunner (check). The game doesn't even try to be original in any way.

If the boring gameplay wasn't enough, then the visuals are there to make it even worse. In SP the game runs on the unreal engine with no aa support and textures so blurry you would think they came from the PS2. I cannot believe that the game looks so horrible and was released in 2010.

The MP portion is made by DICE and uses their frostbite engine. Even though the visuals are much better in MP than they are in SP, the MP gameplay feels stale and slow. The guns feel awkward, and the recoil is pretty unrealistic. The maps are also bland. All these things I could live with, but the worst part and the gamebreaking part for me is that there is no killcam, and the gametypes lend themselves to camping. I found myself constantly getting sniped from across the map upon spawning and having no clue where my killer was, the only thing displayed was the weapon he used and his loadout (really important information?!)

Overall this is one of the worst shooters EA has ever released, and even 10 bucks can't justify the frustration this shooter brings to the table.