The New-Old Age of Heroes

User Rating: 8.5 | Marvel vs. Capcom 2 PS3
This port of one of the best fighting games ever created is near perfect in almost every way. They've revamped the graphics a bit, smoothed out the pixels, and left everything close to the PlayStation/Dreamcast version of the game.

The graphics are not busted, like some users are claiming. They're 10 year old graphics, and they're ported over. This isn't called 'Marvel vs. Capcom 2 HD Remix'. Anyway, the graphics can be smoothed out some too for people with big displays. I currently am using the smooth, but I wouldn't mind the pixelation of the original graphics. I miss these 2D fighting games. There are some graphic glitches, which I discuss below.

All the good tunes are back from the original. So while selecting your characters, you're going to be taken for a ride. Through the past. With the use of in-game music (which this game does support), you can now fight with less jazzy music and more of whatever you like. Personally, I like the jazzy music in fighting games.

The controls on the PlayStation 3 version are superior compared to the Xbox 360 version. Nothing against the Xbox 360 controller, as I prefer it for some games, but these 2D fighting games are going to be a lot easier on the PS3 since Microsoft designed their D-pad so poorly.

The online is really good and I haven't experienced lag yet, however, due to a glitch, Friends Match will lock up your PlayStation 3. This should have been addressed in beta stages.

My biggest beef with the game, outside of pricing, is the textures are missing in some of the levels. For example, in the background of the ghost ship level, on the far-left side, there's just a blank spot with no texture floating in the background. And in a lot of the levels, when you get to the edge of the map, the land just falls off, only on wide screen displays. It's a few little things like that which are disappointing.

Overall, a good buy and is more than double cheaper compared to the retail stores. $80? No thanks.