The perfect hand-held game

User Rating: 9.2 | Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis DS
To put it simply, this game is currently one of the best games out for nintendo ds and probably will remain that way. When you pick up a hand-held video game, are you looking for a a full length epic game that requires days of your time, or are you looking for a simple, yet addicting game to get you through a long car ride? if you picked the simple addicting game this is designed just for you. Levels start of fairly simple, yet difficult enough to get you hooked and playing. As the game progresses you are challeneged with more difficult levels and the occasional boss. All tasks wi thin the game require you to use the nintendo stylus, and suprisingly it has been incorperated into the game well. Overall this game is worth picking up, because like i said before, it is one of the best games out for DS right now.