Mario Party 5 is a solid Mario game.

User Rating: 7.4 | Mario Party 5 GC
The first Mario Party I played was on the Gamecube and it was fun. The thing is the game can be fun and when your winning it can be good. This game is where you as the player must collect the most stars and coins and win as many mini games as you can. Solo Mode has against 3 B owsers and you must defeat Bowser at the end. Do it on hard and you get intense mode.Some of the mini games can be really fun like Dinger Derby, Leaf Leap and Flower Shower. There's all kind. The ones where you have to pres the A button as fast as possible like on will Flower and Tug a Doory. Some are of luck like Get a rope and Radom Ride are annoying. Duel games are cool. You can Duel with a certain oppent but you got to be sure you can be them. You can enjoy it but you can make rivalries with friends like on battle mode youchoose with them the best player can't do I know because people do it to me.I like the game but does not come near Mario Kart or Smash Bros or a Mario platformer to me.