Fun game but not as fun as Mario Party 4.

User Rating: 8.3 | Mario Party 5 GC
Mario Party 5 is a fun game for a group of friends it has tons of wacky minigames with 10 characters to chose from. Sad thing is that they took out Donkey Kong so you can't use him anymore. Why did Hudson do that Donkey Kong was my favorite charater. But anyway the game is fun with lots of stuff to do from Adventure mode to story mode.

Gameplay: It actually really depends on what minigame you play and there are tons of them so the gameplay is going to switch up alot on you so be on the look out for that.

Graphics: The graphics are beautiful and the background of the minigames plus the accessories make up the nice graphics for the game and so do the characters.

Sound: The sound is pretty decent nothing so great about but it could have been a little bit better though because the effects aren't that much good in the game. Sorry about that.

Vaule: It's vaule is pretty decent but the minigames aren't as good as the ones in Mario Party 4. So you might get bored after playing it for a few months by yourself. But you won't get disappointed when playing with a group of friends.

Reviewer's tilt: Don't know what that is. Sorry! :(