Mario party 5 ~ ITS TIME TO PARTY!!

User Rating: 10 | Mario Party 5 GC
The mario party 5 classic is just like the:mario party,1,2,3 and 4 i expect that there are more to come all the way to 10 i hope because all mario parties are definitely the best game ive ever played.

This game can educate a little by reading the text to get to know the game so use that excuse with your parents :P.This is also a game for the whole family to play 1-4 characters only though and if you do play it i deffinitely know you will be hooked on to it within minutes.

The bad things about this game are that you may only have 1-4 players.Thats about all about this game i know ive convinced you to play it now muahahaha all part of the nintendo plan.