Sinister as all get out! Literally like being a part of a psychological thriller

User Rating: 8 | Manhunt 2 PS2
Where do I start? This game has received a lot of complaints over it's supposed "Immaturity". That doesn't hold true if you look past the surface of this game. It's got character development, variety and an appeal that alone separates this title from other games; while single handedly putting it into its own genre. This game compiles a lot of shock and awe that will simply have the fan hook line and sinchered.

If you take the time to semi pay attention to this game you'll notice it was deeply inspired by Horror films ranging from B Movie Cult Classics to Hostel-esque atmospheres. Which is what I look for in a game! If I can tell the makers of a game take time and effort into finding inspiration for a game, that alone proves to me they want to both please the fans and add another notch in their belt so to speak. Simply put, this game is down right intimidating and frightening, but in a good way. After all, if your a fan of gaming that's what you want. You want to feel as though you are the character and Manhunt easily gives you that feel and emotion.

As I stated prior; this game gives you the power to kill like never before, but will style! Manhunt is a well groomed semi-stealth action game that will gain praise from even fans of Metal Gear Solid and Tenchu. While easily correcting even what those games lacked. The difference between Manhunt and the games mentioned above is that Manhunt's story is down right plausible in all aspects. Which alone is down right frightening. After all there are plenty of people out there insane enough to do alot of what happens in this game. Of course not you! You'd rather play games! Right? lol

as an added bonus this game is designed to make you stop and and re-evaluate reality. In some sense or another is possible we are all controlled by something much larger then us? As I'm not seeking to start a debate I'll leave it at that and rush right on ahead into the pro's and con's of this game.

1. Graphics: Impressive for a PS2 game. They did well shading and giving an over all dark feel to this game. The static effect in Manhunt 2 also does well in tribute to the Episode style sequences in this game. The PS2 version of this game alone rivals that of Xbox titles easily. The character models are also well designed and some what given some uniqueness that saves this game from getting boring too fast.

2. Character Development: This is key to me in a game it shows very well as the game takes us for a strole. As stated above, this game allows you to quite literally become Daniel Lamb as he partakes in his oppressive mental journey. As a given bonus you have a sidekick, a sort of psychological mentor so to speak in Leo Kasper. Who in a way weaves Daniel into a beastly killing machine.

3. Sound: Rockstar leaves nothing out in the sound department. From the simple sound of thunder to the sound of on coming footsteps of an enemy. Let alone do I dare mention the gruesome sounds of the death scenes! I mean they capture the sound very well from a man being suffocated and gasping for oxygen to the sound of a ball pine hammer smashing into a enemy's skull. As I said, nothing is left out in this game, its eerie to say the least!

Controls: As I said above, the controls are simply genius in this game. It easily surpasses former stealth games such as Tenchu 10 fold. You can strike an enemy with a weapon and quickly cover up with a block just in the nick of time. Some what flawless controls but somethings such as jumping could have been added.

1. Why didn't the Wi version turn out like this game? Albeit, the graphics may not be as nice as the Wi version but it easily makes up for that flaw in the game play department. Other then that, I'm hard pressed to find any sticking flaw to this game. ;)

I highly suggest you pick this game up, its buy worthy. Or at least give it a rent, you won't be sorry!