Manhunt 1 was a piece of art, this sequel is nothing more than a cashed in gimmick!

User Rating: 5 | Manhunt 2 PC
As a port, it's okay, but it still gives you the feel of a "port".

But it can all be summed up by saying that Manhunt 1 is superior in every way.

Gameplay and game mechanics were engaging in Manhunt 1, even if it culminated in a run and gun set of final levels. This is yet another console idiot friendly game. Limited motion, and hand held instructions on how to play. Even the visuals feel less memorable or gritty than the first.

The story may be more interesting than most games, but this is a serious step down for a Rockstar game.

Manhunt 1 was a genuine artistic statement, and genuinely disturbing. The psychotic elements were hardcore.... Manhunt 2? It's torture porn, kinda like the endless Saw movie sequels. Just gore for gore's sake.

This game has nothing going for it beyond a brand name. If you want to experience something that is so intense it leaves you feeling like "this really should be banned", play Manhunt 1... if you want to play a slaughterhouse horror-fest game, play The Suffering. In the end, don't bother playing this, it's not worth your time or money.