Play the card game, forget the PS version.

User Rating: 3.5 | Magic: The Gathering - BattleMage PS
I'm a huge fan of the card game, even though I'm currently not very good at it. It makes sense, and with practice I'll be great at it.

This led me to hunt down the PlayStation version of the game. Huge letdown. The graphics are old-school, which I expected, so no problems there.

The user interface is simple enough, but the execution is beyond tedious.
You have to wait, and wait, and WAIT for Land cards, JUST to cast some of the simple spells, meanwhile your opponent is blasting you left and right. You have NO defense early on, and if you take the the time to see where you opponent is and what he or she is casting your way (very time-consuming), forget it. You'll take more damage just in the time it takes to finally locate them.

The cards are represented accurately, but cyclying through them does not allow the kind of spell-casting needed to succeed at this game in battle mode.

Furthermore, you have to go into the Campaign mode just to find someone to battle, and it could be a very tough opponent from the start. There's this Strategy element that has your piece of Land (you possess one to start) choose to attack/talk to the sorceror of another neighboring piece of Land. If you don't answer the questions properly, you have to duel. If you do answer correctly, you will either gain and Ally or a few much-needed cards and Land cards. It's the only way to strengthen and expand your deck. And it's frustrating and annoying.

This game needed a playable Duel mode that would allow you to duke it out immediately. If it's there I can't find it.

All told, very disappointing.

See you at Friday Night Magic games...