Hyped SOO much wut a let down

User Rating: 6.5 | MadWorld WII
Madworld was hyped up so much by sega that I automatically rush 2 rent it thank god i only did that.


The camera oh god th camera... this was a terrbile camera it would fight with you fr the worst angle but 2 be fair i've played with worse cameras.

The commentary and music were fighting at the same time an overlappin constantly hav one or th other

Story was'nt told as great as it could hav been. This character Jack has been traped on this island thats infected with sum disease an th only way 2 be cured was fr these sadistic terroists 2 watch this show called death watch which pits every one on the island against each other th last 1 standin gets th antidote we never find out why

Bosses not as great or memorable as like NMH an would rely on cheap quick time event too much an copied th exact format as NMH with it bein ranked


Th characters my favouite was a pimp known as th Black Baron who would always come before a blood bath challenge where u hav 2 kill as many pple as possible within a time limit his descriptions were as sterotypically pimp as possible an it was hysterical

Commentary with john Dimaggio especially casue havin bender describe your kills is always great

Music as much as I jus don't like rap th indie rappers it chose suited th environment well

environmental kills most things in th environment can be used to brutally murder sum 1

The gore oh th gore, this is by far th goriest game i've ever played an that's sayin A LOT everywhere there is a cartoon like amount of blood in every thin u do an it was amazin

OVerall rent but ur not missin much cause @ th end of th day it's th gameplay that matters