My least favorite of the lego franchise

User Rating: 6 | LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues X360
I've played them all and lego Indiana Jones 2 was a complete misfire.
First off while the levels may be fun to play, unlike any of the other Lego games there are no secrets hidden within any of the levels. The only thing you may need to replay a level for is to get you True Adventure(collecting the set amout of studs in a level). For me this was part of the game killer, because all of the other Lego games part of the fun is freeing up new character, new abilities that help you free up secrets in levels. They didn't do that here so there was no point in replaying any levels once you beat them.

All the secrets are hidden amongst what is some what of an open world environment that you use to access different levels in the game.

Another thing that killed the game, is that once I beat the game fully and all I had left was to do the bonus missions(level builder) it made up around 10% or more of the game. Seriously??? That much of the game is alloted to pointless level building tutorial!! So I started on that, I had all the other achievments in the game, and I did a few levels and it said I only had 1% of the bonus level creator done. Really??? 1%...that's all??, that was enough of that. I wasn't spending hours tooling around in a level creator that was tedious, not fun, and just a waste of time, just so I could get 100% o the game.

This is the only Lego game I will never play again. This will forever remain the forgotten lego game for me.