LEGO now has a game that took everything from the previous games and made it awesome

User Rating: 9 | LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 X360
The LEGO games has always been about just plain fun. Not taking the story to seriously, and mixing in some great puzzles always makes these games fun to play. The Harry Potter game is just 100 times better than StarWars and Indiana Jones.

In previous games I felt that the game was very much the same thing happening over and over again. Each character has a single ability that helps you get through the stage, and while this is great, it still lacks umph. In Harry Potter each character has a bunch of spells. Most students, death-eaters and teachers share the same set of spells, with some differences here and there. Such as Harry who has the Petronus charm, and the rest of the people has the Rediculus charm. (stupid example but you get the point). All the list of spells you have helps you navigate the puzzles of the game to get to the next area.

Again there are secrets all over the place, and even though I'm still playing, I did manage to find a fair amount of the secrets. But it will take a few more plays to get it all done 100%. This does add a lot in terms of replay value. I can see myself playing another 10 hours of this game at least.

The graphics for this game is pretty much the same as previous Lego games. Sharp images, colorful environments and lots of Lego blocks flying everywhere.

The game only features the first 4 years of Harry's life at Hogwarts, but this is enough to keep you going for a while. One can't wonder how on earth they will do anything with Half Blood Prince, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.

It's a great game and I would recommend it to anyone who likes either Harry Potter or Lego games.