If you don't like JRPGs, Legaia 2 won't do much to change your mind. However, if you do, you might want to check it out.

User Rating: 7 | Legaia: Duel Saga (PlayStation 2 the Best) PS2
The original Legend of Legaia wasn't initially all that well received, but developed into something of a cult classic amongst hardcore RPG vets. It's sequel, Legaia 2: Duel Saga also didn't receive much attention. A number of problems plague the experience and will deter many players from enjoying the game. However, despite it's problems, Legaia 2 manages to do a number of things well and hardcore RPG fans will probably enjoy it.

(Good): The combat system is unique, letting you input a sequence of directions corresponding to different attacks and certain sequences can unleash powerful attacks called "arts"
(Good): The easily accessible camp function offers a number of useful features and can help you remember what's going on if you haven't played for a while or give you a break in the middle of a dungeon.
(Bad): Combat forces you to sit through really long animations. Later in the game, you can expect to wait 2-3 minutes after finishing your turn before getting control again.
(Bad): The combat system doesn't really encourage variety and you will therefore probably stick to one or two tried and true attack sequences rather than mixing it up every turn. This makes combat grow boring quickly.

(Good): Character models are all animated really nicely and are well detailed.
(So-so): Animations for techniques in battle look really nice the first few times, but you'll be seeing most of them over and over again and they lose their appeal.

(Good): All the background music is at least decent and some of the tracks are really enjoyable. This game features one of my favorite intro themes in any video game.
(So-so): Sound effects aren't bad, but they lack variety.
(So-so): There isn't much voice acting and when voice acting is present, it's usually not that great.

(So-so): The plot has some interesting moments, but is still more or less typical RPG fare.
(So-so): The game is short length for an RPG, easily under 30 hours even if you don't blow through the story. A bunch of half-baked mini-games do little to extend the game's value.

Legaia 2 won't appeal to everyone. It's not a bad game, and amongst the plethora of Console-style RPGs available for the PS2, it doesn't do a whole lot to distinguish itself. Despite all this, if you really like this type of game, you'll likely appreciate what this game has to offer.