A unique take on the JRPG genre that's worth checking out.

User Rating: 8.5 | Legaia: Duel Saga (PlayStation 2 the Best) PS2
I'm playing Legaia 2: Duel Saga right now. What I thought was just gonna be another mediocre JRPG is shaping-up to be quite the game. On the outside it looks like just another Japanese-based, turn-based, brightly-colored hair characters RPG. But it's turning out to be a pretty unique adventure. The battle system is definetly unique and keeps the random-battles interesting because you're constantly experimenting with discovering new moves. The flexibility in the battles is great and allows for a flexibility rarely seen in turn-based battles. The story starts off like your average JRPG as well, but then suddenly just goes into wow-mode; maybe I'm just near the end and that's why, I hope not.

I highly recommend this to anyone who has a PS2 and likes RPGs, because I picked it up for only $5 at Gamestop and you can't beat that deal.