Very awsome game. A good step up from its sister game for the PS1. A must have to any RPGest collection

User Rating: 7.3 | Legaia: Duel Saga (PlayStation 2 the Best) PS2
The bottom line is this...

The gameplay is awsome. but its missing something I quit couldn't put my finger on it. The graphics are well made and suits the game perfectly to a tie.
The story line wil make you come back for more. The only bad part the got me was that when you bought new weapons for your characters... they will change on the battle field, but when you buy armor or items... they dont. It would of been cool to see the different types of Armor on the battle field.

There are so bug on the battle field with the voice acting but if you can get pass that you will enjoy this game such as I did.

This is a must buy for all you RPGest out there!!!