legaia2 is great rpg i like this game cuz the fight its have a great fight and i hope we see legaia3. thanx to gamespot.

User Rating: 9.8 | Legaia: Duel Saga (PlayStation 2 the Best) PS2
Overall a superb game. I have seen alot of... less the flattering reviews for this game and am not sure why... In truth the only big gripe I have is that you can (and do) string together a series of "Arts".. The mob is very dead (0 hp) by half way into the series yet you continue to attack it (why not have the ability to break off the attacks a bit here and there?). This tends to draw out battles longer then necessary (and the little saying they do when they do an art get tiring). Why do the long strings of arts you ask? Ah, but unless you fight the same mobs over and over you are never quiet sure just exactly when it will drop. Otherwise the graphics are tight, good FPS, and the characters are well rounded powerwise. The storeline is linear but you can always backtrack to get stronger to beat Boss X. Sadly though I do not see replaying of the game anytime soon after beating it. But could well see myself playing it