Vast Free-To-Play Online Multiplayer - Easy to learn and a lot to master! However, gratuitous leave penalty HAMPERS...

User Rating: 7.5 | League of Legends PC
League of Legends (LoL) is a long standing, free to play, real time strategy game for PC - and now Mac. The game has a vast amount of content for a free-to-play title, and unlockables are possible without spending any money. The game is easy to learn, at first, but there are so many things to learn more about and master - making this free-to-play even sweeter.

However, the game has one fatal flaw that really screws up your experience: there is a HARSH and unjustified leave penalty (for people who leave a game early). More on this under the "Worst Things about League of Legends".

Best Things about League of Legends
1. Vast Content.
- All features, such as level progression, ranked and unranked multiplayer matches, and customizations (except champion skins) are available for free and are based on player level and time involved in the game.
- Influence Points: Spending points earned for playing League of Legend Multiplayer matches and used to buy nearly anything in the game's store. A reasonable amount are earned per match.
- You can basically access nearly everything in a game without spending any money, but if you want content faster, you can spend a few $10 bills for LoL gift cards for "riot points" (buyable influence points), or purchase them with a credit card or paypal.

2. Interesting and Comprehensive Leveling System
- Levels are from 1-30 for your summoner (player).
- It provides many months of gameplay if you want to level up to the maximum level of 30.
- Once you get to 30, you can participate in ranked matches. This is a good feature, since the only the most experienced players can play RANKED matches - the younger players can play unranked matches and master the game - which takes a lot of time!

3. Lots of champions (playable characters) to try.

4. You play as only 1 character per match, which is unique for a RTS game.
- Also makes the game a lot simpler to understand.

5. Great player interaction system
- Chat
- Honor (Peer Evaluation): Other players can give you a thumbs up complimenting your "Helpful(ness)", "Teamwork", "Friendly(ness)" or "Honorable Opponent(ness)" which accumulate and are displayed on your profile.
- Friends List.
- Tribunal (Peer Jury): Other players can review certain player cases and vote on them. Good player jury members are given distinction.

Worst Things about League of Legends
1. Multiplayer matches are too long and cannot be left without punishment.
- Each match is at least 30+ minutes.
- If you leave, you are severely punished - see #2 below.
- So, you can't really leave, even if your parents or kids are calling you, until the match is over.
- And you can't play LoL if you only have like 15 minutes of free time...

2. HARSH and UNJUSTIFIED Leave Penalty
- Basically, when you have to leave a match ONLY 2-3 TIMES, you will be temporarily banned from the game ENTIRELY.
- This means that you can't leave, even if your parents or kids are calling you, until the match is over.
- That includes accidental internet disconnections that you can't control...
- You won't be able to do anything during the ban - not even work on customizations or accessing the store.

- Plus, this ban also goes into effect even if you've just purchased an in-store boost.
For example, I just spent $10 today to buy a special in-game XP and Influence Points Boost for 1 week. I left the game 1 TIME (because my parents literally yanked me off the laptop), and I ended up being banned for 3 days. Yes...that means that I bought a 7 Day Boost and could only use it up to 4 days.....I just got scammed for about half of what I spent...

Overall, LoL has a fatal flaw that can really screw you over, especially if you put money into this game. However, as a free to play game, League of Legends is a pretty sweet deal.