It doesn't take much to love this great indie game.

User Rating: 9 | LaserCat X360
You probably never would've heard of this game, but you'll be lucky to have. This indie game involving a Cat and his Owlfriend who's been kidnapped by the space frog Wizzord oddly enough has no lasers. If that story doesn't get you interested, I don't know what will. The story isn't exactly a main aspect of the game, but the few cutscenes and lines of dialog you get are hilarious. This is a 2-d sidescroller, similar to VVVVVV(another must-get). Though some people would call it a rip-off, I wouldn't say so. It's different enough. Each room has its own unique challenge or gimmick, and that makes the game feel really varied. The Core gameplay is very fun as well. There aren't really any bosses in this game, the final boss is more of a race against time. Throughout this game's 225 rooms, you will collect keys, 30 that will grant you access to the final area. Each key comes with a trivia question, which range from confusing to funny to just out there. This game has a pretty awesome soundtrack, composed by Kevin MacLeod. The visuals are a colorful throwback to retro games, but also look good on big screens. Overall, this is a wonderful game, and for 1 dollar, how could you go wrong?