Worst game in series by far. Just read the story on the KH website.

User Rating: 4.5 | Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories PS2
As good as the story of KH hearts is, the series is a complete utter mess and this game does not help. It was set up terribly and the gameplay just plain sucks. It has a great story and really fills the major gaps between kingdom hearts and kingdom hearts 2 but there are countless pointless objectives to this game. The card are not fun and you should only play this if you are a die hard kingdom hearts fan. I only play it because I need the entire story. If you are not a true fan but need to know the story, just read the plot on wikipedia or something. To finish off, it is way to long, quite hard even on easier settings and it quite possibly ruin kingdom hearts for you. It was just a plain stupid idea from the creators. Don't buy it, just read the plot online.

Now for the good part. You see a lot of who Marluxia is and how he is actually one of the strongest and more commanding organization members. He is just plain bad ass. Axel gaps are also filled here and you learn who Namine actually is. Even though the whole game is bland, the cutscenes may possibly cheer you up. To be honest I would rather watch it as a movie than play the thing. Unfortunately it is a terrible gameplay version of kingdom hearts but what can you do but still love kingdom hearts?