Celebrating the 10th anniversary of Kingdom Hearts, and rightly so.

User Rating: 9 | Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance 3DS
I'm not sure where this game would go in the complicated, yet simple timeline of Kingdom Hearts. Either after Kingdom Hearts II or after Re: Coded (Coded as it was originally known as when it was a mobile game). In this game, you play as both Sora and Riku. They are sent by Yen Sid on a Mark of Mastery exam to see who earns the rank of Keyblade Master. They are sent to seven words that were destroyed by Heartless but they are sent there in a dream state. Most of the time, you will switch between Sora or Riku depending on when the Dream Gauge goes to 0. Unlike fighting Heartless (like other Kingdom Hearts games) or Unversed (Birth By Sleep), you will take on Dream Eaters and even be able to recruit these to help you on your quests. One thing I really enjoy is that you can actually hop from wall to wall and other acrobatics which are pretty fun to do. There's also the Command Deck which is from Birth By Sleep which I'm not a big fan of but it's pretty helpful as well. There's a lot of story which mentions Birth By Sleep characters such as Terra, Aqua and even Ventus. Even Xehanort appears, along with Lea (Nobody name Axel). So does Terra-Xehanort. I really like the worlds in this game. Worlds based on movies like Tron Legacy, The Three Musketeers, Pinocchio, even The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Even Fantasia. AN ORCHESTRAL MASTERPIECE APPEARS IN THIS GAME! Even though Sora looks like he did at his younger self, that's only his dream state. He's still a 15 or 16 year old or however old he's supposed to be. Same with Riku who's only a year older. Seriously, Dream Drop Distance is a game no Kingdom Hearts lover should ignore. Nobody... I enjoyed this game so I'm sure anyone else would too